It was weird watching the beginning of season three – I’d given up on ER a few years back, when they really ran out of imagination and became just another TV programme that, because of it’s popularity, had been farced to run too many seasons.
But back in 1996, ER was still in it’s prime, and it had all the good players still. A woefully young Looking Dr Carter begins his internship. Dr Peter Benton is the same hard ass that he always was – but now you can see (in hindsight) what he was doing to Carter. But the really refreshing thing was the Doug Ross and Mark Green was there. I don’t now that Ross was all that – the ladies man was certainly a hit with the female viewer and went on too much bigger and better things, but it was refreshing to see the original cast all there.
The only downside to watching something that you’ve already seen well into the future of, is that, well you know what’s going to happen. You see the starting of a relationship that could soften Benton – but you already know it’s goanna end in a whole lot of pain. But it never was the relationships (at least not for me) that made the programme; it was the drama and action of the day-to-day life of the hospital. And ER had it in bucket loads.
It was still an enjoyable, watch able and addictive as it was 10 years ago.
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