But storylines aren’t enough if the actors can’t make you believe what your watching, and both Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon immerse themselves so completely in the roles that you believe all that you’re seeing to be gospel.
Talking of gospel, Cash was raised on it, but had to leave traditional gospel (music) behind to gain a foothold in the music industry, but his unsteady journey forced him to face, and overcome many demons, and end up once again a man of faith.
Though the movie doesn’t really focus on this aspect (and why would it) Joaquin’s character does have some memorable lines that make you realise he never really lost what he was taught by his mother as a child. What his father taught him on the other hand, was that he was no good, which was probably the root of many of his problems.
Robert Patrick gives a solid performance as the father you love to hate. The father who never forgave Cash for the death or his brother his favourite son. By the end of the movie, the relationship is orf course on the mend, as is Cash’s life.
With great performances and an emotionally charge true story, Walk The Line is a great movie that will have a much wider appeal than just Johnny Cash fans.
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