Video Games Don't Make You Violent!

According to a new study by a researcher at Texas A&M International University, studies that see a connection between video games and violent behavior usually suffer from shoddy research techniques. Dr. Christopher Ferguson studied the results of a number of recent studies linking violent video games to aggressive behavior with an eye not just to individual results, but also to overall trends in the studies as a whole.

Ferguson found that the connection between violence and gaming had more to do with publication bias than it did with any actual correlation. In other words, journals were more likely to publish studies that supported the hypothesis that playing violent games made a subject more prone to violent behavior. Nothing like scientific stacking the deck, eh? Ferguson sums it up nicely:

Thus it was concluded that there is little evidence from the current body of literature on violent video games that playing violent video games is either causally or correlationally associated with increases in aggressive behavior.

Wow, so playing violent video games isn't bad anymore?

SOURCE | Wired


2 comments to "Video Games Don't Make You Violent!"

Violet said...
6:48 PM

I should be relieved, since so violent games are so popular. Yet I still find it really hard to believe that the constant exposure doesn't at least make gamers better at ignoring real life violence.

Geekery said...
8:34 AM

I think it comes down to the amount of time spent playing games, and the maturity of those playing. I constantly see parents buying or renting games for their way too young sons, and the shopkeepers turning a blind eye because they aren't really selling them to the kids....