Sophie Scholl

Sophie Scholl takes a look at the final days of White Rose activist Sophie Scholl. We don’t really get to see any background on who she is, and we don’t need to. Everything we need is shown to us over the last 6 days of her life.

With her fellow activists she strove to educate the German people of what was really going on around them, not just that Germany was going to loose the war, but that the atrocities propagated under nazism would bring world wide condemnation, and that the people needed to rise up and bring an end to the Nazi reign.

Of course, even the best-laid plans can go wrong, and Sophie and her brother are caught distributing pamphlets on campus, they are arrested and interrogated. It’s here that the movie really takes off, with a battle of whits between Sophie and her interrogator. Sophie is brave, sure of her convictions and able to stand firm with a passion that bewilders her captors.

With cunning use of simple music and a compelling script, the movie manages to keep the pace tight and the tension high. [more]


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