The Descent

The Descent starts off looking like it’s going to be a very low budget affair, with some cheese and lots of predictability. But that’s just the start, a little bit of back history to set the scene.

Whilst not a big budget movie, The Descent’s director Neil Marshall has spent wisely putting the money into the most important shots, and crafting a tightly shot movie that manages to keep you freaked out and hugging the edge of your seat from the time things start to go wrong, right up until the credits roll.

Once we descend into the cave system, all thoughts of a budget slasher are gone, much like the hope of survival for the band of adventurous girls, who must now contend with more than just sub terrain dwelling creatures, but also paranoia, distrust and claustrophobia. [more]


2 comments to "The Descent"

Violet said...
7:39 PM

Is it really gory? 'Cos I like horror but don't like tons of gore...

Geekery said...
10:27 PM

It does have a fair amount of gore, but that isn't the primary focus.