Dana Brown manages to capture the feel and intensity of the Baja 1000, the worlds longest point to point race, and probably one of the most dangerous and unpredictable races ever known to man.
Utilising 90 cameras, Brown records the wild ride that consists of 1200 participants and 270 vastly different vehicles,, where the focus of this off road race isn’t always winning, but just finishing.
Racing everything from motorbikes to dune buggies to trophy trucks, there’s one thing these riders have in common – the desire to finish and the desire to have fun.
The determination to finish is one of sheer stupidity on one level as motocross rider Mike Mouse McCoy shows, only 30KM from the finish he crashes his bike, breaking a few ribs and bruising many other places, but manages to get back on his bike to finish 7th in his category.
If you’re after an adrenaline laced ride, then Dust To Glory is for you.
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