Trailer | X-Men 3

Oh yes, I’m excited, but them some people say I’m easily excitable.

Why am I excited? Did you not read title of this post? The trailer for X-Men 3 is now online, and it’s a beauty!

Go and have a look, you know you want to. Or at least you know I want you to!

My only concerns with this movie, is the number of new characters in it. I’m loving that they are there, but with so many, will they each have enough screen time to satisfy the viewer? Or will it be like Flight of the Pheonix where Hugh Laurie didn’t get enough time to be his good old self?


1 comments to "Trailer | X-Men 3"

sewfunky said...
3:55 PM

I am SO excited that this movie is gonna be made - I loved the other 2 x-men movies with all their allegories and characters. Especially the last one - it made an interesting commentary to how we treat those who are different in our society.