You’re willing to wait because you want to know what happens, and if it does happen, what will they do.
They, being a group of teens, who want to teach the school bully a lesson. Somewhere along the journey though, one by one they decide that it’s not a good idea. All except the oldest kid, who decides that what was planned, has to be bought to fulfilment.
Without ruining the plot, something does happen, but it’s far worse than anyone could have planned for, and the lose group of teens have to make some big decisions.
There’s a couple of things that stand out for me in this movie, one is the server absence of adults/parents in this movie. In fact for most of the kids we don’t meet their parents until the end of the movie. This speaks volumes as to how these kids got into the situation they did – no real parental guidance.
The other thing is we find out something at the end of the movie – though it is obvious throughout – about one of the key characters. And when you think about it, it’s not just the parent at fault but also a school system that doesn’t pick up on the obvious needs of it’s students.
It would seem (imho) that the director is making a social commentary on the roles of both parents and schools in the lives of children and how severely lacking both are in our modern society. A generalisation I know, but it makes for interesting thinking – our kids are what they learn from us.
Spiritual Connections
This may be seen as a spoiler, so read on with caution!
No matter how dark this movie gets, and it gets pretty dark, there’s one character who for the most part shines the light of a moral compass. But in the end when the decisions are forced on the rest by the much older and (physically) stronger character, everyone concedes and tows the line.
But later, when out of his sphere of influence, the rest of this motley crew realise what they’ve done, and decide to try and make things right.
It’s all about having a second chance (to a degree) and about all of our actions having consequences.
It’s also funny that it’s the youngest, weakest kid who figures it out and convinces the others to do what’s right. His grasp on the concept of guilt and forgiveness proves to be very mature.
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