Band of Brothers Marathon

My lovely wife is away at a women’s retreat, so I’m home for the weekend with the kids. That gives me two free nights to watch Band of Brothers! 10 episodes over two nights equal a massive 5 hours a night. Some might call me crazy, but it’s been a while since I watched the who series, so I’m gonna take the opportunity!

Of course this means there will be no more DVD reviews for the next couple of days.

After only four hours of Band of Brothers last night I was fighting a loosing battle with sleep – it’s been a hard week at work, with early mornings and long days, and I was exhausted even before I began. The real killer though, was after doing my teeth, getting ready for bed and getting into a cold lonely bed, I couldn’t get to sleep! What’s more, even after bribing the kids to let me sleep in, I woke up somewhere between 4 and 5 am! (of course didn’t actually get up until 9am….)

So tonight I have to get through Crossroads, Bastogne, The Breaking Point, The Last Patrol, Why We Fight and Points. All up, 6 hours of non-stop DVD goodness.

Of course, seeing as I don’t drink coffee, I might just have to go out and buy copious amounts of energy drinks just to stay awake tonight!

Update #2
Apparently something I ate yesterday and my energy drink of choice (Lift Plus) don’t mix, so during The Breaking Point I was using my popcorn bowl to throw up in. Sadly the popcorn bowl was three quarters full, but it was either sacrifice the popcorn or clean the carpet… I managed to last through The Last Patrol, and most of Why We Fight but missed the end due to falling asleep… Points will have to wait till another time!


3 comments to "Band of Brothers Marathon"

Violet said...
6:35 PM

and why not? I'd do a "The Office" marathon if the boy were away.

Geekery said...
10:07 AM

Does the boy not like The Office?

chumly said...
10:31 AM

Ok I'm off popcorn for awhile.