Gizmodo even scored an exclusive photo - taken in black and white because the Microsoft employee who apparently leaked it didn't want to get busted (each of the 150 beta units evidently has its own color scheme, to discourage such leaks). Nice work, Gizmodo. Or, if the Microsoft leaker actually works with its PR company, congratulations is due there as well; this photo is adding considerably to the buzz around Zune.
The site also mentioned a feature on the device called "Capture Settings" (currently disabled on the beta devices), but didn't venture a guess as to what it might do. I think it's for copying someone else's Zune settings and themes using an ad-hoc Wi-Fi connection (also currently disabled). If I'm right, that option points to the Zune being highly configurable/skinnable.
I also think the Zune will carry a database of the entire Zune music store with it, so that you can select stuff to download while you're offline. MusicGremlin has already done exactly this, but doesn't discuss its pending patents.
These new details are fascinating, but the biggest shock to me so far is still that the Zune won't support Microsoft's own PlaysForSure partners. Napster, Wal-Mart, and all of the other PFS partners are surely shaking in their boots right now, despite Microsoft's claims that it intends to keep supporting the PlaysForSure platform. In a world where iPod and Zune could become the Coke and Pepsi of digital music, there won't be room for many RC Colas.
Source: wired
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