News | Bug

I’m not sure about this one – Lionsgate always seem to be wanting to push the boundaries on gore filled movies, but this sounds like more of a psychological-paranoid-thriller, and I like the way Joblo describes it…

It stars Ashley Judd as a waitress who escapes from her abusive ex-husband to a decrepit motel and becomes romantically involved with a stranger (played by Harry Connick Jr.) who is seemingly delusional about a bug infestation.

Or is he? Are the bugs merely a manifestion of this guy's psychosis? If so, why is she seeing the bugs too? Is she going crazy? There's a thin line between paranoia and psychosis? Has she crossed it? Is anything real? I'm just throwing out possible marketing slogans, by the way. I have no idea if any of that is actually true.

The big thing for me of course is that it has Harry Connick Jr. in it, which means that I could try and tell my wife that it’s a romantic comedy…


1 comments to "News | Bug"

sewfunky said...
6:56 PM

hahaha! I am sure that it would be a laugh to see HC Jnr in any movie, I so love the man.... ;)