NEWS | Lost Season Three

The latest actor to join the ensemble cast of Lost is Kiele Sanchez (pictured), who will play a character named Nikki, which is pretty much all of the information that's known at this time... In conjunction with the recent start of filming on Season 3, ABC released the following description of what's to come: Jack, Kate, and Sawyer open the season in captivity as prisoners of the Others. Just who these Others are and what they want are the primary questions season three will explore. Michael Emerson joins the regular cast in his ongoing role as Henry Gale, leader of the Others, as does Henry Ian Cusick, as Desmond. The fates of Locke, Desmond, and Eko in the aftermath of the hatch implosion are answered. Romance looms on the horizon as Jack's interests veer towards a mysterious new woman, whose motives may be questionable. Sun and Jin will continue to celebrate their pregnancy, but is the child really Jin's? Locke and Sayid will band together with some of the other survivors to journey across the island in an attempt to free Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. Charlie will attempt to return into the good graces of Claire, but can he be trusted to stay sober? Will Penny Widmore find the island and her long lost love, Desmond, and can the survivors find a way to interact with the outside world?



2 comments to "NEWS | Lost Season Three"

Violet said...
10:27 AM

Yeah, it's getting that way, eh?

Geekery said...
11:08 AM

If only they had finished it all in S1...