
Emile is the story of a man, who late in his life seeks redemption from the family he abandoned.

The story is told through a mixture of the present and the past, with the past being shown through a series of dreams and hallucinations. These dreams in particular have a stunning dreamy visual theme.

The way the story line cuts back and forth is initially confusing, but as you begin to understand Emile’s mind, and as Emile begins to understand what he has done, the story flows to a fairly predictable end.

Though predictable in it’s finishing the story weaves through a theme that we all struggle with: our own identity. Ultimately the movie only leaves us with questions, instead of the usual Hollywood feel good solutions.

This is a well written and superbly acted (Ian McKellen does an awesome job in the lead role) movie that will keep you transfixed till the very end.

With a rental release in March 05, this is one to watch out for.


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