Noi The Albino

Noi The Albino is a coming of age movie with a difference; It’s Icelandic.

Trapped in a white walled prison that is his little village in the remote North of Iceland, Noi is bored and frustrated. He wants more to life, and he takes out his frustrations on his teacher.

This is a movie full of beautiful moments – my favourite is when Noi sends a Dictaphone to school to record the lesson so he doesn’t ‘need’ to be there – but all these moments are downplayed by the superb acting of Tomas Lemarquis, who’s portrayal of Noi is one of apathy towards a world that is too small for him.

Noi is a genius that no one recognises, even his girlfriend doesn’t want to know him when he finally has the courage to up and leave. And this is typical of what Noi faces.

The movie moves along at its own pace, twisting and turning slowly as if on an icy road, but this journey has a darkly comic twist that you won’t see coming.

Superb acting with an interesting plot will keep you transfixed.


1 comments to "Noi The Albino"

Geekery said...
9:27 AM

Yeah, I'm lucky that one of my main suppliers of DVDs is Madman and they do a lot of Anime, Arthouse, Foriegn and independant stuff.

It's really nice to have access to these genres as it helps balance out the Hollywood stuff I get from other companies.

I've never seen Rebel Without A Cause - I rarely rent these days, I'm hopelessly addicted to collecting DVDs and wait till Video Ezy has an ex-rental clearout and go on a buying rampage - normally paying no more than $10 a DVD!!

But I might have to start looking at renting a few clasics, to make my viewing even more well rounded!!