
From Gus Van Sant, the king of the unusual, and the genius behind Elephant, comes one of the most bizarre, uneventful movies ever made.

Gerry is a story about two brothers who decide to go on a wilderness walk. Instead of keeping to the path, they decide to go cross-country and after a while are completely lost in the barren environment.

The movie moves at a slow, relentless pace, with little dialogue. The focus is more on the growing concern each brother has to find a way home, and how they deal with it on an individual basis.

It’s probably this pace, and the lack of anything really happening, that makes the ending so bizarre. But it’s an ending that keeps you thinking about the movie long after you’ve seen it.

It’s an ending that, depending on what you think happens, will either make or break the movie for you. As for me, I’m tempted to watch it again, with my theory of what happens in mind to see if it holds any water. If it does I’ll make another post.

Be warned, this is a hard movie to watch, and if you don’t like to have to think, really think, about what you’ve just watched, don’t bother with Gerry.


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