Open Water

Shot on digital video and featuring a pair of unknown actors, Open Water has been dubbed as Blair Witch meets Jaws.

Open Water is neither. Blair Witch was an example of shrewd marketing of a cheap shoddy product, and Jaws was the movie that launched the ‘Summer Blockbuster’.

So what do you get for your money with Open Water? You get a movie based on true events, that starts out a little B grade, but gets down to business when the real story kicks in.

It’s quite amazing how a movie, essentially about 2 people lost in the middle of the sea, can be made into a haunting psychological thriller.

But before I go on: SPOLIER WARNING. Stop reading if you plan on seeing this DVD, as I’m about to spoil it for you.

I mean it. Stop reading.

The thing that kills this movie, I mean totally ruins what could have been a very good freak-me-out-shark-phobia experience is the ending.

They both die. That’s right, they both die. This movie, based on a true story is a load on made up bullsh*t.

Essentially, everything about this movie is made up, sure the bits on the boat could have been true as there were other people there. But why say ‘based on a true story’, when its not? Why use cheap techniques to get the audience to assume at least one person has to survive to have told the story? It’s worse that using split personalities a-la Secret Window.

Ah well, now you know what happens, you still might enjoy it, maybe.


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