DVD | Constantine


I received Constantine on DVD yesterday, so any plans I might have had for last night were out the window. I looked the kids in their rooms, sat down with the wife, lights out and settled in to see how well the movie had translated from big screen to DVD.

Let me tell you, it’s still as good as it was the first time. Sure, it’s diminished a little by the size, but lets face it, more and more people are buying bigger TVs and more of us are staying home to watch movies, so size isn’t the issue it used to be.

And what of the whole disc of extras? Well, you’ll have to wait for that, that’s my weekend job.

If you like spiritually significant, freaky supernatural-edge-of-your-seats thrillers, with deadpan acting by Keanu, then you’ll love Constantine.

If you don’t like that sort of thing, well, you should!!


1 comments to "DVD | Constantine"

Violet said...
1:15 PM

What a coincidence! The boy brought the DVD home yesterday and has already played it twice. I haven't really given it a chance yet, since I keep getting distracted by a hungry, fussy or playful baby - although having said that, I'm usually not big on the Catholic mythology thing.