DVD | I Heart Huckabees

Convinced that a series of coincidences involving a doorman hold some secret to life's largest riddles, Albert Markovski seeks the help of a detective agency unlike any other. . . which leads him down a path that questions the essence of existence itself.

So starts the bizarre movie that is Huckabees. And I use the term movie very loosely, as this is a movie unlike any other. It’s a movie which seems to have no plot or direction. A movie that claims to be a comedy, but uses very intellectual humour. Not that intellectual humour is bad, at least it gets you thinking about what you’re watching, but I do like a bit of slapstick now and then.

So to say that Huckabees is a very funny movie could be true, but it could also be a lie – It’s kind of a parody of the movie itself, it depends on what you believe humour to be.

So I guess you could call Huckabees one of those strange movies. A movie about the meaning of life, about how we’re connected, about our needs. I’m not sure that it answers any of the questions that it poses, but it does make you think, and thinking is good for the brain.

What I can say for certain, is that Huckabees has some outstanding acting.


2 comments to "DVD | I Heart Huckabees"

Violet said...
1:08 PM

You make the film sound so much more interesting than the newspaper ads did. I never went to see it because I didn't hear anything appealing about it.

Geekery said...
1:20 PM

Interesting, now thats a good word to describe Huckabees!