Back in 1994, over a period of 100 days, an African country named Rwanda imploded with unrestrained racial fury. Almost a million people were slaughtered. And the civilized West saw the images on the TV news as we ate dinner, and did nothing about it.
Well, we did evacuate our own people. White people.
The UN was helpless and hopeless, with their hands tied with the ropes of bureaucracy. Rwanda would become a word that described the Western civilisations darkest hour, when we turned our backs on people in desperate need.
Hotel Rwanda focuses though not so much on the failures of the West, but the actions of one man. Paul Rusesabagina.
Paul Rusesabagina was a hotel manager in one of Rwanda’s flashest hotels, and when the violence flared up he did everything he could to protect his family. Initially he didn’t care about anyone else but his family. He would have died to save them. But then his family began to grow, as more and more people came to seek refuge, his eyes were opened, his heart broken and he became an accidental hero who did everything he could to save the lives of over a thousand people.
Hotel Rwanda is a heart-wrenching movie; it’s an emotional roller coaster that will leave you stunned. But it’s also one of the most inspirational movies of the year. It brings to life Edmund Burke’s famous quote: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Don Cheadle gives an outstanding lead performance, bringing a reality and passion to his character, and the movie it’s self does an amazing job of portraying the situation with as little visual gore as possible. Having said that, the movie is rate M and recommended for audiences 16 and over, as whilst the content may be controlled, the feel and atmosphere of the movie make sure you know what is going on.
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