NEWS | Lost Mysteries Revealed?

I'm sure you've heard by now about The Lost Experience, the viral puzzle campaign put together by the show's producers to feed the need of Lost fans during summer hiatus. They're currently in Phase 3 of the 5-phase program, which the producers now say will reveal the meaning behind the show's mysterious numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42) before it ends. Much of the "Experience" revolves around a supposed independent investigation into The Hanso Foundation -- the company believed to be at the heart of all of the island's many mysteries. Here's a little recap of what's been revealed so far:

Alvar Hanso, founder of the Hanso Foundation, was a WWII arms dealer who made a fortune the dirty way and then created "The Hanso Foundation" to cover his past sins.

But THF seems to be just a cover for more dirty work. His current status is unknown.

In the 1800s, Hanso's grandfather was captain of a slave ship called The Black Rock.

The equator seems to be of great importance to THF... "An island near the equator" is mentioned repeatedly (Lost's island, perhaps?), as are "historic shipping lanes near the equator."

THF's ultimate goal seems to be "the extension of human life"
THF is involved in illegal experimentation of all kinds, around the globe. Evidence is mounting that the residents of Lost's island may be the latest subjects of these experiments.

The DHARMA Initiative is THF's most mysterious project, and all of its scientists disappeared 30 years ago.

THF is planning "something huge" called the Spider Protocol, which is related to "a mysterious island." Hints have also been dropped that THF might be involved in scientific research trying to predict the end of the world...

Source: Infuze


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