NEWS | Lost's Hanso Revealed

The Lost plot has thickened significantly. Over the last several months, the creators of Lost have been trickling information to fans while the show is on summer hiatus, through an innovative "game" called the Lost Experience.

The latest phase of the game has had users tracking down fragments of a video featuring none other than the legendary Alvar Hanso himself -- the mysterious founder of the Hanso Foundation, an organization referenced in the show that has something to do with the island the show's main characters find themselves on. In the video, Hanso claims that the DHARMA Initiative was formed to "do nothing less, than save the world."

Hanso says that an equation exists (probably having something to do with Hurley's numbers, I'll bet) that can predict the years, days, and hours to when humanity will exterminate itself -- through nuclear war, pandemic, or some other means. DHARMA is an acronym that stands for Department of Heuristics And Research on Material Applications. Most interesting of all, Hanso mentions the Lost island at great length, revealing that its location is the greatest of secrets, and that DHARMA uses the island as its base of operations, via "underground laboratories." Other notes of interest include mentions of perpetual food and supply drops and the island's radio transmitter.

When the video ends, the camera pulls back to reveal that it was playing for a group of modern-day scientists, who are attempting to succeed where Hanso failed, using some sort of virus...


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