TECH | The Amazing Colossal iMac

Apple has done the unthinkable, introducing new computers on - gasp! - a Wednesday, not a Tuesday. If you haven't seen yet, check out the specs on the simply breathtaking 24" iMac. So massive but so delicate.

I never could have guessed eight years ago that the iMac would have gotten so small and so big at the same time. This is a product introduction that really caught me off-guard. In the mean time, the whole iMac line has gone to the Core2 Duo line of processors, so even the older models will scream.

The Mac mini has seen a similar update, though more modestly, hopping from Core Solo at the low-end to Core Duo across the line.

How quickly are we going to see those Core2 MacBooks now? Will it be Showtime Sept. 12 or do we wait until the 25th of the month? Why does Apple do all its introductions so close together?

Source: CultofMac

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