Apple's Got Game

Apparently it's all over the internet, again. Sparked by a report by Prudential analyst Jesse Tortora, who offered his opinion that Apple is considering entering the gaming console market. This is not the first time we've seen this particular rumor. Perhaps it keeps coming up because the notion is so very tantalizing. I mean, who wouldn't want to see underdog Apple go up against Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo with some sort of slick, innovative new game machine?

Even thought it's nothing but speculation, Tortora makes a solid argument for, pointing out that Xbox and Sony are already encroaching on iTunes' territory as king of digital music and movie downloads. The 360 and PS3 are ready to battle it out with Apple's iPod and upcoming iTV devices, but the games consoles offer more capabilities. By this logic, not entering the console market could actually harm Apple more.

Of course this wouldn't be the first time Apple have looked at Game Consoles...


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