The content you've selected can not be viewed in this player.

Over at Film Junk they have a short post about the Shrek 3 teaser trailer being available at Moviefone. Would have been better at Apple I thought to myself, not realising just how true my thoughts were about to turn out to be.

But hey, I love Shrek, so put my prejudices aside and visited Moviefone. The first thing the site did when I clicked on the play Shrek 3 teaser button, was my entire browser window was instantly shrunk down to the size of a small media player window. Gee, thanks. The next thing I notice is that there is nothing playing, only a message in small print proclaiming The content you've selected can not be viewed in this player. No explanation, just a kind of stuff you.

Thanks Moviefone, I'll be sure to recommend you to my friends.


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