Duration: 90 mins.
Genre : Action Sci-Fi.
Actors: Ewan Stewart, Martin Savage, Murray Corrigan, William El-Gardi, Amar Hussain.
Release Date: Available now.
Dirty War looks at the scenario that is most feared in our post 9-11 world: a terrorist cell making and detonating dirty bombs in a major western city. This being a British flick, that city is of course London.
The movie kicks off with a large-scale training operation that is more of a publicity stunt for the government – but what it does show us, the viewer, is that London is woefully ill prepared for such an attack.
With an emphasis of realism, the tension builds up slowly as we follow several lines of the story; from the terrorists, the government, firemen and others involved in the protection of London. It’s a pretty comprehensive approach, and makes it clear how easy something like this would ultimately be, with luck being the major factor in preventing terrorist activities.
The gritty backdrop of London is ideal for such a drama, and as the pace ramps up you’ll be edging towards the TV desperate to see what happens.
With all the hard work put into this movie, the meticulous build up and attention to detail, it’s a pity that the whole thing seems to fall over in it’s climatic stages, with the whole production running out of steam and credibility in its conclusion.
Food for thought
Religious fanatics are the terrorists in this movie, and they use their belief in god as justification for their actions. Has religion become too dangerous for modern society to tolerate?
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