Duration: 119 mins.
Genre : Sci-fi.
Actors: Alan Tudyk, Sean Maher, Adam Baldwin, Nathan Fillion, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Summer Glau, Gina Torres, Jewel Staite, Morena Baccarin.
Release Date: Available now.
After having so much fun watching and falling in love with Firefly on DVD, I just had to go out and buy Serenity.
The movie shows just how good this series was, and begs the question as to why the TV show was cancelled before it had run it’s first season. Of course judging a TV series by it’s movie isn’t quite comparing apples with apples, but the first series was a ball, and with all the action and visual candy that was packed into the movie, I’m sure Joss Whedon would have found enough side stories to make Firefly have gone another couple of seasons.
In reality though, the cancellation forced Whedon to make the movie, and the fans are better off for it. We get most of our questions answered in a single sitting that propels us to an explosive and unexpected ending.
We get some back history on River, and get to see just what she’s made of, as well as being re-introduced to the nasty-nightmare-inducing Reavers.
All the main characters are there from the first movie, even if they’re not all on the ship, and the dastardly bounty hunter that made the final episode of Firefly so damn enjoyable is back, and nastier than ever.
There’s never a dull moment in this fast paced, visually stunning masterpiece. It’s well worth watching for both fans of Firefly and those that have yet to see Firefly.
Food for thought
According to the Shepherd, faith doesn’t have to be a religious thing. Faith is what will get you through the difficult times. Without faith in something you have nothing. Where is your faith placed?
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