Duration: 96 mins
Genre : Zombie
Actors: JR Bourne, Sage Brocklebank, Paul Campbell, Patrick Gallagher, Colin Lawrence
Release Date: Available now.
In a far, far away land (America) a greedy corporation decides to try a little bit of genetic engineering to help increase logging yields in one of it’s forests. Trouble is, when you try and play God without having the divine and all knowing mind of God, things will go wrong.
Add to the mix some environmentalists, who decide to sabotage your operation and you have a whole can of potential zombie whoop-ass.
It’s all pretty quiet until a woodsman gets cut while cutting down an ‘infected’ tree – as his workmates run to his aid he turns feral and eats them. Such is life.
Severed tries to be something along the lines of Dawn of the Dead meets Blair Witch Project with an environmental conscience, but fails in it’s efforts and ends up being an over the top splatter fest with more spurting blood than a classic Japanese Samurai flick.
As hordes of the undead stumble through the forest, the movie strains to find reason for a plot, as we get taken on a survival horror where more and more survivors turn up just to increase the length of the movie into something more than a 30 minute short.
If B-Grade is your thing, bad acting and buckets of red stuff your diet, then Severed is your movie. If you have a little taste in zombie flicks, stick with the modern classics such as 28 Days Later and leave this one to decompose.
Food for thought
Just as the movie was a struggle to watch, coming up with some redemptive thoughts is too. But one thing you can chew on is how would you act in the same situation? There are two roads you can travel: selfish self-preservation, or selfless compassion for you fellow survivors. Which road would you choose?
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