Considered to play Bruce Banner.
I can’t see Depp in this role, but then the movie sucked and Depp could have turned it into a slapstick comedy…
Indecent Proposal
Depp was considered for the lead role of David (Woody)
Actor who got the part: Woody Harrelson
Hmmmm, nope, never would have worked!
The Matrix
According to an interview with Matrix composer Don Davis, Johnny Depp was the Wachowskis' first choice for Neo.
Actor who got the part: Keanu Reeves
So Keanu gets a lot of flack for his wooden acting, but who else could have nailed Neo? Certainly not Depp.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Depp was considered to play John Smith.
Actor who got the part: Brad Pitt
Hmmmm, Depp as a serious action star, nooooo.
Was considered for the role of Jack.
Actor who got the part: Leonardo Dicaprio
As much as I hate Dicaprio, I just can’t see Depp getting his sea legs in this movie!
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