Duration: 96 mins
Genre : Romantic Comedy
Actors: Mark Ruffalo, Kevin Costner, Shirley MacLaine, Mena Suvari, Richard Jenkins, Jennifer Aniston.
Release Date: Available now.
Sarah (Jennifer Aniston) is on her way to her sisters wedding with her fiancĂ© Jeff (Mark Ruffalo). It’s not a trip she’s been looking forward to as she just doesn’t jell with her family – that and she’s not sure if she’s made the right decision when she said ‘yes’ to Jeff.
Her paranoid character trips into overdrive during wedding preparations when she gets it in her head that her Grandmother (overplayed by Shirley MacLaine) and her recently departed mother were the basis for the book and movie ‘The Graduate’.
Of course once the wedding is over, Sarah insists on going on a solo road trip to discover if a certain older man (Kevin Costner) can reveal the truth, in the process putting her relationship in jeopardy and healing some other relationships.
Classed as a romantic comedy, Rumour Has It sits rather uncomfortably, as the humour is either very subtle, or doesn’t make enough appearances, and the plot is far too complex for a true romantic story. Of course the ending is predictable, but the journey far to ambiguous to traditional romantics.
Having said that it does make for an interesting look at the dynamics of modern relational life and the problematic issues of family secrets. It also, as with most romantic comedies offers up a couple of scenes of reconciliation and forgiveness.
Food for thought
It’s easy to fall into the same trap as your parents, especially if they haven’t told you about a particular trap they fell into! Is Honesty the best policy?, or are their certain secrets that should be kept under wraps?
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