DVD | Paparazzi

Paparazzi is a revenge movie about movie stars and the paparazzi.

When rising star Bo Laramie hits the big time and becomes an A-list star, he soon discovers that not only has he sacrificed his own privacy, but also that of his family.

Whilst trying to be nice to the paparazzi, and asking them not to take pictures of his young son, he gets duped into a staged confrontation, and becomes an even bigger fish for the paparazzi.

It all comes to a head one night when the paparazzi cause Bo to have a motor accident that puts both his wife and son in hospital.

Their incessant hounding of him causes Bo to break, and he sets out for revenge.

While the plot may be slightly self-serving and semi predictable, it does make for a great action/thriller, and in the end manages to make you wonder why you were cheering for Bo.

There are also some great cameos by Mel Gibson, Chris Rock and Matthew McConaughey.


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