DVD | Ten

Ok, first up a warning: If you want to be entertained don’t watch this DVD.

Ten isn’t about entertainment, it’s about watching, listening and learning. It’s a movie where you have to think. It’s a movie that only begins when it finishes and you and start to think about what you’ve just watched.

Essentially, it’s two cameras, one car, a woman driver and her passengers, and the conversations she engages them with. Starting and finishing with her somewhat demanding son.

People will get many different things from this movie.

For one, it’s a window into Iran, not clouded by the views of the American media.

It’s also a view into our own lives. If you watch carefully and really be honest, you’ll see your self at times, through the power-struggles, miss-communications, and communion that these conversations bring.

For me the biggest thrill was watching this articulate, strong woman, picking up strangers and engaging them – all in a country and culture that looks down on women.


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