DVD | Saved!

Now this is an interesting mix. It’s basically a clichéd teen comedy, about perfect girls trying to find their place in the world. But throw into the mix the setting; American Eagle Christian School, and you have something quite unusual.

In places this is a very funny movie. It’s honest look at charismatic Christianity is unnervingly close to the real thing, and it doesn’t look good on screen. It would make great viewing fro some Christians, the only problem being that the Christians I’m thinking of are the very ones portrayed in this movie, and I doubt they would be amused!

But from my lopsided Christian view, I found it to be a real eye opener, and although it’s a light hearted comedy, the not-so-subtle plot showed that being perfect is far from what we should be. Perfect is a far cry from acceptance. Perfect is a world away from grace.

And more importantly, perfect people are only ‘perfect’ on the outside. It’s what’s on the inside that matters, and as the film shows, it’s only when we start being honest with ourselves that we really discover who we are and who are friends are.

As I said before, a clichéd teen comedy, but with a great message.


3 comments to "DVD | Saved!"

Trudging said...
11:23 AM

I loved this movie

Violet said...
7:12 PM

It's interesting that you liked it from a Christian perspective, since (although I haven't seen it) I had the impression that the movie would be funny in a way that made fun of Christians. I'm gonna put it on my list of DVDs to hire.

Geekery said...
12:48 PM

It does make fun of Christians, but in a way that we deserve! Hey I'm a realistic kind of Christian and I know the Church as a whole isn't doing nearly all it should. Saved takes a very cynical, cutting look at the pentecostal side of Christianity, and sadly gets it mostly right. It's a movie that I'd lov to send to Brian Tamaki!