Grand Sex Auto

So Rockstar did it. Big deal. So the US Video Game Industry changed the rating for GTA San Andreas to AO, what for? Sure the game has hidden explicit sexual content. Content that was apparently to risqué to Rockstar to have as part of the final game, but in a twist of fate was left in the code, so that some Dutch computer geek could discover it and promote a little bit of software HE WROTE that gives gamers access to it.

So hold on, the sex isn’t available unless you download third party software? So what’s the big deal? Wouldn’t it be easier to ban the third party software? And why act surprised – this is after all the most loved and most hated game franchise ever. It’s known for it’s violence and sexual content.

And why don’t we blame the media, websites and blogs (yes, me included) ‘cause if some Dutch geek found it, it would only have a limited life, but now the media and governments are blowing the whole thing out of proportion, EVERYONE knows about it. It’s been given a life of its own – it’s huge.

And lets not forget one thing, it’s an R-18 game – it’s designed for adults. So what’s the big deal? Adults have sex. Adults watch porn, Some adults even hire prostitutes (apparently). But sex hidden in a game and discovered by a Dutch computer geek – oh my goodness, that’s a national emergency. What if little Johnny gets to witness two computer generated characters having sex? Well, what the hell is little Johnny playing GTA for in the first place? Huh? GTA isn’t a kids game.

And whilst I’m ranting, yes I have played GTA SA. And yes, I ENJOY it. Not for the violence and not for the sex (sex isn’t a necessary part of the game) but for the FREEDOM that this game gives you. Most games are story driven and don’t let you go and do your own thing.

But GTA SA lets you do just about anything. You can earn money, you can buy cloths, eat food, get fat, work out at the gym, go for a swim, get a pilots licence, walk around, explore, drive cars, you can even get a mechanic to upgrade your car. But all we hear about GTA SA in the media is how you can drive down the footpath and kill people, or more recently have sex with people. Sounds like a media bias to me.

So what’s a good Christian boy like me doing playing such an evil game? Probably because I enjoy blobbing out for a few hours one night a week and playing games. Probably because it’s one of the best games available. But most importantly, I like most other gamers can tell the difference between a game and reality.

That’s it, ranting over. Just a little something for y’all to masticate on over the weekend.


1 comments to "Grand Sex Auto"

Anonymous said...
1:58 PM

When I read about GTA SA in the news I feel the same - so what it's intended to be a game for adults.

If the crack to make the game more explicit is really that much of a threat to our youth then parents don't seam to be doing a good job of moderating their children’s entertainment.

I also enjoy playing the game as it gives me a unique chance to relax, and sometimes even work out some of my tension within a controlled environment.