DVD | Criminal

Criminal is an interesting little movie about 2 con artists who meet by accident and decide to team up. The older, wiser one, mentoring the younger, less sure one. It starts slow and seems predictable, I mean it’s not rocket science is it – one of them is our to fleece the other, right?

Well if I told you, It’d ruin the movie for you. But hey, it’s not as predictable as it might first seem. For the most part, you’re wondering who’s gonna fleece who, switching between the two of them from scene to scene as the movie progresses.

And then more characters come in, and you don’t know how the hell it’s gonna end, and it ends up being a really enjoyable movie.

The really weird thing is. Is that it’s unbelievably honest, right at the end of the movie, when you’re sitting back smiling and laughing, it fades to black and the words ‘Based on the movie Nine Queens’ appears. And you think damn, that’s weird. I mean have you ever seen a movie that admitted to ripping off another movie? I know a lot of movies are rip offs of other movies but do they ever admit to it? Hmmmmm, weird.

But a good little movie, and a far better thing to watch on a Monday night than say, Desperate Housewifes…….


2 comments to "DVD | Criminal"

Violet said...
2:41 PM

It'd certainly be a better thing to watch than "Gladiator" with an ad break every five minutes.

Geekery said...
2:49 PM

Gladiator was a good movie, but I wouldn't want to see it on TV. Call me a DVD junkie but I can't be bothered watching movies on TV anymore. The format and ad breaks are far too annoying.