DVD | The Real Da Vinci Code


Dan Brown’s best seller The Da Vinci Code stirred up a storm of controversy when it was released, mainly due to the claims it made about the Holy Grail.

Ask most Christians and weather they’ve read the book or not, they’ll tell you that it’s a load of rubbish. Me, I’ve read the book. Interesting story, quite action packed in places, but a little too preachy for my liking. The thing that really irked me about the book though, was that at the start Dan claims that whilst the book is a novel, most of it is based on fact.

So it was with keen interest that I watched The Real Da Vinci Code last night. It was a bit of en eye opener. I’d grown up knowing about the traditional Holy Grail – the cup that Jesus drank from at the last supper, but I didn’t know that there was more than one version of this story, and that it was just that. A story. A novel in fact. One of the first works of fiction is the story of the Holy Grail. The cup of Christ is nothing but a best selling novel, written so long ago that most people take it for historical fact.

But what about the other stuff in Dan’s book? The secret societies, locations and even University departments. None of it is real. Sure, Dan did his research and found out about all these things that he wrote about, but what he didn’t realise (at least, let’s assume he didn’t realise) was that like countless people before him, he had been had. He’d uncovered stories that he either wanted to be true, or didn’t have the time to investigate properly.

And what of Leonardo’s painting of the Last Supper? What of the secret messages hidden in that? According to the DVD, there is likely a hidden message in it, but more of a shout out to the man who paid for it to be painted then any secret societal code.

But the question that doesn’t get answered by this DVD is who’s the biggest sucker? Dan Brown for not getting his facts right or countless readers who believed everything he said.


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