DVD | Three Colours BLUE


Blue is the first film in Krzysztof Kieslowski's Three Colours Triolgy. The three movies, Blue, White and Red represent the colours of the French flag, and their themes; Liberty, Equality and Fraternity mirror the French national motto.

In Blue the theme of Liberty comes from cruel beginnings, but fortunately finishes on a hight note.

It’s probably worth mentioning here that these movies are more the art house type rather than your Hollywood blockbuster; so if you’re easily bored, stay away. How ever if you want to see some truly imaginative camera work and original stories that stay tuned.

It’s more than just camera angles though as Kieslowski seem to infuse the screen with the colour blue, sometimes in-your-face, others quite subtle. It becomes fun on a minor level to watch for those minor blue moments.

But back to the story – it starts off with a familiar scene, a family driving home after a night out. But something is amiss, Kieslowski shows us that the break fluid is leaking; you know something bad is going to happen. And it does. Both the husband and daughter are killed – the wife is given her liberty.

Initially the grieving widow, played superbly by Juliette Binoche turns inward, she’s cold and without remorse. She want’s to destroy everything associated with her late family.

But through the course of the movie, through the interactions with others and discoveries made, she finds a new passion for living, and truly finds liberty.

This is an amazing film, but as I mentioned earlier, it’s not your usual Hollywood action spectacular. If a Hollywood blockbuster is McDonalds, then blue is a quiet coffee and muffin in the middle of the Hunua Ranges.


1 comments to "DVD | Three Colours BLUE"

Violet said...
9:43 PM

I saw all three movies many years ago. I don't remember much except that certain scenes overlap from one movie to another.