A Better Looking PC?

Apple have release a beta version of software that allows Intel-based Mac to run Windows XP. The software, titled Boot Camp will allow anyone, not just geeks to install and run Windows XP on the new iMacs and MacBook Pro laptops.

A final version of Boot Camp will come as standard in the upcoming Mac OS X ‘Leopard’ operating system, and will allow users to choice between Mac OS or XP on start-up.

So what does this mean, apart form the obvious choice for PC users to have a nicer looking machine? Does it mean that Mac software like Office and all those games (that always get released about 6 months after their PC cousins) will no longer be worked on, because all you need is XP, not a Mac version?

And will it really sell more Macs? I mean you can get a crap PC for around $800, but your still looking at $2,479 – the price on Apples has dropped considerably over the years, but there’s still a big gap for most consumers to get over.

tuaw.com have a good theory on the reason behind Apple's Boot Camp, and dealcatcher.com has a rant on one of the possible problems with running XP on a Mac - It's a problem that PC users have put up with for years...


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