DVD | Last Days

Gus Van Sant has a penchant for labourious, slow moving but peculiarly captivating movies. His latest offering based around the last few hours of Nirvana’s front man Kurt Cobain's last few hours takes the cake though. It has all the trade marks of a Van Sant movie – slow moving, weird camera angles and lengthy scenes where nothing happens.

But unlike some of his previous offerings (Gerry, Elephant), Last Days lacked in the captivating department. This was a depressing journey that rather than leading to a climax, leads the viewer further and further down a dark path into nothingness. It’s depressing to the point that you’ll be contemplating suicide before the movie has finished.

But then maybe that’s it’s genius – it was a spiral downwards to and empty life and shows exactly what fame, fortune and the hedonistic lifestyle really leads to: emptiness.


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