Don't Miss THIS Historical Moment...

Where New York Times columnist David Pogue latched onto this fascinating factoid, there's no telling. But as randomly useless bits of trivia go, this is definitely worth noting.

Pogue writes: Late tonight - specifically, 123 seconds after 1:00 a.m. -- the time and date, for the first time in all of humanity, will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.

And, Pogue points out, this moment will never come again.

Well, at least not exactly. In Europe (AND NEW ZEALAND, FOOL), which renders the date before the month, this singular moment will occur next month, at 123 seconds past 1 a.m. on 4 May. And after that, it most definitely will never occur again.


2 comments to "Don't Miss THIS Historical Moment..."

Anonymous said...
5:19 PM

Yep, I ameneded my original blog entry a few minutes later with a couple of postscripts:

P.S.--Thanks to reader Alan Forkosh for pointing out that this magic moment arrives only in the U.S. and countries that represent dates in month/day/year order. If you live in Europe, you'll have to wait about a month for the big moment to arrive.

P.P.S. --Reader George Grauke wrote to comment: "You are mistaken that this will never happen again. What about in the year 2106, 2206, etc.? And it also happened in 1906. It will happen whenever you use a 2 digit year."

He's absolutely right. Tonight's 01:02:03 04/05/06 date is not the first, and will not be the last.

---David Pogue

Geekery said...
7:57 PM

Hahahaha - oh well, It sounds good :o)