DVD | Wicker Park


This movie took it’s time coming to retail DVD (I only get to review retail releases, and sometimes the period between rental and retail can be strangely long) and it wasn’t quite what I expected.

What the trailer showed was a totally different movie to what was actually delivered. The trailer promised a fast paced intriguing thriller, the movie on the other hand was more a look at love and the lengths some people will go to get it, and what happens when you loose it.

And in that it’s a pretty good movie. Nothing to rave about, but an interesting tangled story that shows the highs and lows and desperations of love, and it does it with out showing any real ‘flesh’ witch is pretty dam amazing for a Hollywood movie these days.


1 comments to "DVD | Wicker Park"

Violet said...
2:52 PM

sounds a whole lot less steamy than the poster suggests then, eh? I've never heard of this film.