Most Games Are Like Porn!

In an interview with Jumpbutton Magazine (issue 2 coming soon) David Cage dropped this stunning revelation on the state of gaming:
Most games offer a disruptive narrative, similar to what you’d find in porn movies. You get a couple of minutes of story to set the context, the set and the characters, then an action sequence; then another bit of story to set the context for the next scene, to prepare the next action sequence, and so on.
No one cares about the story because it is not perceived as a key component of the experience. In games, like in porn movies, the user is there for the ‘action’, not the story. But most of all, the story and the action do not progress together but turn by turn (Story/Action/Story/Action).
And I have to say, that after playing Cage’s Fahrenheit, and thinking about most other games that I’ve played, he’s right!


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