The Closer S1

Rating: M – Contains Medium Level Violence.
Duration: 577 mins.
Genre: Television Crime.
Actors: Jon Tenney, Robert Gossett, Kyra Sedgwick, G.W. Bailey, J.K. Simmons, Anthony John Denison.
Director: N/A.
Release Date: Available Now.

Not long after I got to enjoy Season 1 of Bones on DVD I get to enjoy an entirely different Police/Crime Drama series, The Closer.

Where as Bones focused on a very narrow field of crime solving, The Closer takes a far more encompassing route.

Basically it’s a little like Criminal Intent, where by the lead character, this time a Southern Gal, who’s personality won’t allow her to make polite talk – she often gets right to the point, politeness be dammed, is called in to head up the Priority Murder Squad, purely because she knows how to get a confession out of the criminals.

Of course being bought in means she’s an outsider and has upset a whole lot of people just by accepting the post. Not that that fazes her, as she just doesn’t notice that sort of thing.

So quirky is the new cool, and Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson encompasses that cool with a lovable charm that may take one or two episodes to get used too, but once you get familiar, she hooks you in and you’re a convert to her wryly charm.

But it’s not just the viewer she has to charm, Brenda has an uphill battle convincing her own team that she is suited to the job, and with the cases about to come her way, she’ll defiantly have the opportunity to prove her salt.

Diversity is the name of the game with modern crime dramas and The Closer has many diverse cases that manage to keep you guessing, watching and wanting more.

With quirkiness and character, The Closer brings some freshness to the over saturated crime genre.

Food for thought:
Do you judge before you have all the facts?

Rent or Buy?
Definitely a keeper.


1 comments to "The Closer S1"

Violet said...
7:20 PM

I haven't gotten around to watching The Closer, but I do enjoy Bones - not just because of the Buffy connection but also because the main character is so off-beat.