Duration: 497 mins.
Genre : Documentary.
Actors: N/A.
Release Date: Available Now.
Father and son Peter and Dan Snow team up to take a look at 200 years of battles that have helped shape British history.
Using a combination of computer graphics and re-enactments, pivotal battles in British history are bought to life. The focus is quite wide, with the Snow’s looking at the lives of the men who fought, the type of weaponry used and the tactics employed. They manage to show the human side of history through interview type segments where the men and women of the day (played of course by actors!) describe what is was like through there own experiences.
Because of the depth and breadth of the series, some episodes will be more enjoyable than others, and for me the most interesting was the last, which outlined the Battle of Britain. This also had the advantage of actual footage, and authentic accounts.
Overall, a very well done documentary that utilises several means of visualisation, to bring history to life.
Food for thought:
History has many lessons for those willing to listen.
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