Duration: 103 mins.
Genre: Comedy.
Actors: Linda Bassett, Kellie Bright, Joel Edgerton, Nick Frost, Jemima Rooper, Josh Cole, Chjwetel Ejiofor.
Release Date: Available now.
Kinky Boots turned out a little different to what I had expected. AS I sat down to watch it last night, I was expecting a riotous, over-the-top comedy. What I got instead was fabulous human drama.
Sure it had its laugh out loud moments, but this wasn’t just your average comedy, it had a story to tell.
Charles Price has no desire to take after his father and run the family shoe making business, instead he runs off to London with his money hungry fiancé, but before their new life can start, Charles gets a phone call.
Price senior has died, and Charles has to go back home to sort things out, and he finds himself the owner of the shoe factory he had no interest in.
As if that’s not bad enough, he soon discovers that the company is broke, and he’s got to lay off the staff. It’s as he’s telling hiss staff, one by one in personal meetings that he comes across Lauren, who plants a seed in his mind.
Later when he’s visiting London again, a chance encounter with a drag queen helps cultivate that seed.
Kinky Boots is a delight to watch, with Chiwetel Ejiofor stepping way out of character in the role of Lola the drag queen, and loving every moment of it.
Sure it’s clichĂ©d for the most part, and predictable as hell, but it does showcase the human sprit as well as inbred prejudices. It also show that it takes patience, love and understanding to break down these prejudices, and to bring acceptance for everyone.
Kinky also shows the power of following your dreams and not worrying about ending up looking like a fool.
Food for thought:
If you were a book, would you want to be judged by your cover?
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