Duration: 123 mins.
Genre: Suspense & Thriller.
Actors: Denzel Washington, Christopher Plummer, Willem Dafoe, Jodie Foster, Clive Owen, Chiwetel Ejiofor.
Release Date: Available now.
Inside Man promised to be a taught thriller, with plenty of twists and turns, and an ending that would have you guessing until the last minute.
It certainly had the talent; Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster just to name a few of the known names and a capable director in Spike Lee, but I guess what really let it down was first time writer Russell Gewirtz.
It’s not that Inside Man is a bad movie – it’s got a great storyline, some interesting dilemmas, and great edge of your seats thrills. It fails however in the most important part of the movie; the ending.
You can make the best movie in the world, but have a crap ending where the audience walks away feeling ripped off, and you movie will suck. And this is exactly what happens with Inside Man.
If they’d finished the movie five minutes earlier, we’d have been left hanging, not knowing, Granted, it would have been slightly frustrating, but at least we wouldn’t feel cheated.
The actors do a great job, and the set up of the plot, combined with the tenuous position that Denzel’s character finds himself in all make for gripping viewing. The pacing of the action is great, with never a dull moment (until the end), so it’s a pity I can’t reccoment this movie, just because of the last 5 minutes.
Food for thought:
Your actions always have consequences.
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1 comments to "DVD | Inside Man"
6:53 PM
I can think of one movie in particular which was utterly ruined for me, by the crappy ending. It was The Fifth Element. The fifth element is lurve? Pleas!
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