Duration: 155 mins.
Genre : Festival & Foreign.
Actors: Slavko Stimac, Natasa Solak, Vesna Trivalic, Vuk Kostic, Aleksandar Bercek, Stribor Kusturica, Mirjana Karanovic, Branislav Lalevic, Nikola Kojo.
Release Date: September 13, 2006.
Luka is a man with a vision. He lives in a small Bosnia town and has a passion for trains. It’s these trains that form his vision.
You see Luka is building a scenic railway to encourage tourists to visit his village. But no everyone shares his vision. His wife would rather be somewhere else, with someone else and his son just wants to play football. But the townsfolk are behind him, so that’s something.
And then the war starts. Luka’s son is drafted into the army and his wife runs away with another man. Luka’s dream and family has been taken from him. The army takes over the railroad and forces him to stay and maintain it.
Storm clouds have gathered and threaten to engulf Luka when a ray of unexpected sunshine brightens his life, in the form of an attractive young Muslim nurse called Sabaha.
Initially brought to him, as a prisoner of war, and entrusted to his care, Luka and Sabaha soon sense a spark passion, and embrace each other and life with renewed vigour. There’s of course is not an easy romance.
Life Is A Miracle is a light hearted, warm human drama/comedy that takes a different look at the Bosnian conflict, with a hilariously eccentric cast that includes reoccurring scenes with a very stubborn donkey.
Clocking in at a whopping 155 minutes, you will need a bit of stamina, but it’s well worth the effort to see story telling as rich as this.
Food for thought
Sunlight always comes after the storm.
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