Duration: 117 mins.
Genre : Black Comedy.
Actors: Ian Holm, Nicolas Cage, Ethan Hawke, Jared Leto, Bridget Moynahan, Eamonn Walker, Sammy Rotibi.
Release Date: Available now.
It’s hard to categorise Lord of War. I went into it thinking it would be a little like The Rock or Con Air – an action flick with some seriously funny one-liners. But alas, it was slightly more sedate. It was a mix between a black comedy, action story, political protest and true story.
It’s essentially the story of one man, being voiced over and acted by Nicolas Cage. It’s disturbingly funny and has numerous one-liners to keep you smiling – or cringing, depending on how black you taste in humour is. The pace is sufficient to call it more of an action movie than a drama, but probably not enough to satisfy a die hard action fan. It is beautifully shot and has some colourful characters and great chemistry.
Its moral agenda is clear – guns are inherently bad – and it’s political views are rammed home right at the end of the movie.
It is an interesting mix, the kind of movie you’d expect if you combined Michael Bay with Michael Moore, and in the end gets you thinking as well as being entertained.
Food for thought
Guns don't kill people. People kill people, right?
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