The Sin City star, Clive Owen, told BBC in a recent interview that, when the movie will run in all cinemas, all critics will be silenced by Craig's ability to give life to the suave superspy. Initially linked to the part, Clive bears his colleague no harsh feelings and really supports him professionally.
'I think when Craig first took the part he got a pretty rough ride, which to a certain extent is inevitable because there are so many different people who have so many different ideas about something like that. You are never going to please everybody', Owen said.
He stands by his view on just how appropriate Daniel is for the part of Bond, James Bond, saying that there is no other actor in all Hollywood to equal him in seriousness and dedication to his work. 'The thing that is really exciting is that he is a proper actor. He is not shallow or posing, they have cast a really serious actor and I think that when the film comes out everyone will see what a great choice he was', the actor said about his former 'rival'.
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