DVD | Nausicaa

I’ve been a big fan of Studio Ghibli anime since seeing the Academy Award winning Spirited Away. Probably due to the success of Spirited Away, Studio Ghibli’s 1998 masterpiece Grave Of The Fire Flies was released to DVD.

Now 3 more movies have been given the DVD treatment. I’ve already reviewed 2002’s The Cat Returns so now it’s time the first feature that they did; Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind.

Considering this was created back in 1984 you’d expect it to be somewhat lacking in quality. But quality is what sets Ghibli apart from other animation houses.

They never seem to disappoint in either story line or visual beauty.

Of the DVDs I’ve seen they all have a common feature, and Nausica is no different: A strong but compassionate female lead. This is especially appealing to me being a father of 3 girls. A strong positive female role model in a male dominated industry is a good thing.

But what about the story? It’s another ripper of a yarn. Basically humanity has totally stuffed up the planet through war and greed (another common theme) and it doesn’t look like it’s going to take much to totally destroy the remaining human population.

Poisonous forests are spreading across the land, and killer insects have grown to giant proportions. Man is no longer the dominant species.

But one of the remaining tribes think they have a solution, it’s one based on military brawn. And then there’s little Nausicaa who thinks she knows a away to restore the bond between humans and nature and set things right.

But her way is one of peace and not confrontation. It also requires a huge amount of faith.

But can she overcome the war mongering tribes and their desires for supremacy over everything?


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