DVD | Porco Rosso

Porco Rosso is a bit of an odd ball coming from Studio Ghibli.

Gone is the strong female lead, gone is most of the preaching about the environment, war and other things.

Instead we have a rather humorous pig character. A pig who used to be human, but in an apparent dig at male chauvinism, it seems his sexist attitude has cursed him with the physical appearance of what he really was.

But you’d think looking like a pig would be a hindrance. But not for Porco Rosso, he uses it to his advantage. Being a pig and not totally human gives him plenty of excuses for his behaviour, and always make his opponents underestimate him.

Opponents? Oh yes, this pig is a gallant bounty hunter, in a world ruled by seaplane flying pirates who pick on ships and ocean liners for their plunder.

Employed by some to keep the pirates away, the pig has a price on his head, not only from the pirates, but also a fascist Italian government whom he used to fly for.

But it’s not all male dominance in this movie, as the pig has to enlist (rather grudgingly) the help of a teenage girl. But will the girl rub off on him in time and save him from his piggish ways?

And what of the arrogant American pilot that the pirates have enlisted to rid them of the pig?

How will this quirky story pan out?

I’m not telling, you’ll have to buy the DVD; you won’t regret it.


2 comments to "DVD | Porco Rosso"

Anonymous said...
12:12 PM

Have you thought about getting "hello" program, and posting jpgs of the movie covers/posters you review?? That makes it easier for us to find in the shop. You could just get the piccie off of another movie review site.

What is this movie?? Would have to be animation???

Geekery said...
12:25 PM

Yes, it's animation. Studio Ghibli is "the most revered animation company in Japan - often reffered to as the Disney of the East."

Personally, I don't think Disney has done anything close to what Ghibli do, especially in recent years.

I do try and link to something to do with the movie I'm reviewing, but some times I don't have the time :-(

But just for you, go here for a picture of the DVD and some more information from the NZ distributor.